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Whether you want to find a builder, locate an emergency plumber or book a local taxi, thomsonlocal has got you covered. Our local business directory is packed full of business phone numbers, opening hours and tradesman reviews.
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Find a Local Business and Get Expert Help and Advice
Find a qualified chartered accountant or regulated firm to help you manage your taxes or small business finances.
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Find a local builder to help with home improvements, house extensions, garage conversions and general construction tasks.
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Find a local decorator to help with painting and decorating, including matching styles and choosing new colours.
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Find a local electrician to help with your electrical needs, including rewiring, electrical installations, lighting and more.
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Find a local fencing specialist to help install new fences and gates or assist with the repairs of existing damaged fixtures.
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Find a local florist to help you choose flowers for any occasion, including wedding flowers and funeral flowers.
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Funeral Directors
Find a local funeral director to assist with the planning of a funeral, including advice for burials, cremations and wakes.
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Garage Services
Find a local garage to help with your vehicle servicing needs, including tyre and battery checks, car parts and wheel tracking.
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Find a local plumber to help with leaks, burst pipes, blockages and plumbing installations including showers and appliances.
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Find a local roofer to help with roof installations and roofing repairs, including chimney repointing, slating and retiling.
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Skip Hire
Find a local skip hire company to help with clearance and disposal of rubbish, household waste and recycling.
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Find a local taxi company for help booking a taxi or minicab for long and short journeys, including airport transfers and regular bookings.
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Our Business Advertising and Marketing Services
Essential Websites
Get your business online fast with a fully responsive and mobile friendly, low cost 3 page website.
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Verified Reviews
We collect customer reviews on your behalf, helping to improve your online reputation while you focus on running your business.
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Business Citations
Get your business contact details mentioned on the high value business citation websites that Google trusts using Get Me Everywhere Plus.
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Priority Listing
Get your business listed at the top of the search results on thomsonlocal for searches in your industry and coverage area. Limited availability!
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Did You Find What You Are Looking For?
Below you can find advertising packages to promote your company and local business reviews to help you decide on which tradesmen and companies to hire. We also offer helpful guides to keep you informed. So whatever it is you are looking for, we’ve got you covered.